The Mini-P2R awarded with a “Trophée de l’Innovation Océan”
On the occasion of the first edition of the Ocean Innovation Awards on Friday 21 September 2018, organized by ADECAN in partnership with the French Maritime Cluster, Energies de la Mer and the Oceanographic Institute – Albert 1er Foundation, Prince de Monaco – the Ecoslops Mini-P2R, has been awarded the Ocean Innovation Trophy – “Reducing the use of fossil energies” category.
The laureates, accompanied by M. Frédéric Moncany de Saint-Aignan, president of the Cluster Maritime Français. Credit Adecan
Created in 2018, the Trophées de l’Innovation Océan are intended to help promote innovations or innovative actions, whatever their nature or scope, as long as they comply with one of the following issues: exploit marine renewable energies, reduce use of fossil fuels, reduce marine pollution, preserve biodiversity, sustainably exploit ocean resources, protect coastlines, raise public awareness of ocean protection.
Our business developpment director, presenting the Mini-P2R concept – a containerized unit to upcycle oil residues – to the assembly,
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