Revue de presse 2016 Green4Sea 21/12/2016 The Solution for sustainable slop disposal is here- shipping needs to grasp it Handy Shipping Guide 21/12/2016 Merchant Shipping Continues to Poison the Ocean with Waste Oil The Guardian 02/12/2016 The $40m ‘magic pipe’: Princess Cruises given record fine for dumping oil at sea Ship and Bunker November 2016 Ship Officer given eight month U.S. prison sentence related to oily waste dumping Mer et Marine 25 novembre 2016 Des drones pour surveiller les côtes et les émissions de navires Sea Technology August 2016 a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”> Solving Shipping’s sustainability Challenge Splash 24/7 11/09/2016 The growing challenge of illegal waste dumping The Maritime Executive 11/09/2016 The growing problem of slops disposal Hellenic Shipping News 03/08/2016 Illegal slops dumping is an environmental challenge for shipping – but there are solutions Ship and Offshore magazine 31/07/2016 Tackling the unseen environmental dilemma Bunkerworld 05/07/2016 Portugal’s Ecoslops on track to produce 30,000 mt/year recycled marine fuel in 2017 Kare11 11/05/2016 German shipping co. charged with covering up Great Lakes dumping Ship Efficiency 03/05/2016 Fuel recycling innovators become Green Award Incentive Providers Reuters 07/04/2016 ECOSLOPS is a winner of the Investing in the Furture Program’s Worldwide Innovation Challenge Ship Management International 19/04/2016 Making the most of slops Ship Efficiency 12/04/2016 Funding Fuels Slops Recycling Project Le Marin 27/02/2016 Un vraquier dérouté à Brest pour “atteinte grave à l’environnement” Bunkerspot 22/02/2016 New for old Lloyd’s List22/02/2016 Oil price drop could lead to increased waste disposal costs Fairplay29/01/2016 Ecoslops has expansion on the cards as vessel operators see discharge rates rise Port Strategy25/01/2016 Pour Point